Placeholder Header Until I Think of Something to Use

Here goes! Until I figure out what to do with this place it's gonna be pretty barren, really. My goal with it is to have a place for stuff that might not necessarily work on Dreamwidth, since while I like the format there's obvious issues like extremely limited image space and, y'know, being a blog. Sometimes it's nice to have the ability to just make pages that do whatever you want, y'know?

Who I Am

Just some guy, really. I'm not gonna offer that many personal details here, but for some potentially important stuff: My pronouns are he/him, I'm white and (probably) cishet, and my politics can be quickly summed up as "the government should exist to help the people, imperialism is bad, freedom of expression is good, fuck bigots in general and especially Nazis, TERFs, and SWERFs." Also I am a diehard Oxford comma advocate.

Some Stuff I Like (in no particular order)

Actual Stuff That's Here Now

Me Elsewhere

As of October my only other significant presence on the public-facing Internet will be on Dreamwidth, where I plan to keep doing the mini-reviews of various games I play that I started doing on cohost. Speaking of cohost, here's my profile there, for the remaining time it matters. I also have a Twitter account as CosmicSpear (don't know if the capitalization actually matters there and don't care enough to find out), but I don't really do much of anything with it. And you might see me in the odd Twitch chat here or there as vengefulbladeuponthee.

My Boy Stable